
Miguel Libertini s.a., top quality from Argentina

Miguel Libertini S.A. is an automatic turning and machining company located in Boulogne in the San Isidro district of Buenos Aires in Argentina; the company specialises in the manufacture of machined parts for the “precision parts” market.
The company began operating in the 1970s using automatic cam-type lathes with fixed spindle turning centres. At the beginning of the 1990s, it began using CNC lathes and in 2002 acquired its first computer numerical control single spindle lathe with sliding head from Tornos (DECO 13).

Decomagazine: Why did you choose DECO?

M. Libertini: On a day-to-day basis our customers were asking us for parts requiring increasingly complicated machining. We needed to manufacture parts that were machine finished in a single operation.

We looked at the latest Swiss, Japanese and German machine models, but after in-depth analysis we opted for Tornos. The number of shafts that DECO machines have and the wide variety of tools means that it can handle any type of operation and perform complicated machining, making it a very versatile machine.

Additionally, the access to the workstation is more ergonomically designed and easy-to-use for the operator – it is essential that the operator has enough room to move around...

Diseño y desarrollo:© 2014